Posted on August 23, 2016 by Jill Cloutier

Peter McCoy is the author of the book Radical Mycology and the co-founder of the grassroots organization of the same name that educates about the importance of fungi, mushroom cultivation, and mycoremediation. Peter is a writer, artist, mushroom cultivator, and educator.
1.) Who or what has made a difference in your life?
Two friends I met when I was 20/21 were unknowing mentors for me when I was first developing the skills and know-how to make things happen and effect positive change in the world. Their ability to gather people around causes and creating great change in their community still inspire me when I work to follow my own ideas and desires.
2.) What is one of your favorite movies?
3.) What are your words/ quotes/advice to live by?
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― R. Buckminster Fuller
4.) What is one of your favorite Mushrooms? Why?
Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor) because is it highly medicinal (a potent immune booster and anti-cancer mushroom), make a delicious and sweet tea, is easy to grow, is globally distributed and easy to identify, and is a powerful remediator (pollutant decomposer).
5.) What inspires you?
I am most inspired by any individual or community effort to create alternative perspectives on the world. Whether this comes through as art, activism, Earth repair, or personal healing.
If you’d like to an interview with Peter about the incredible world of fungi,
click here.
I’m looking for contact information for Peter McCoy. I’m a soil consultant for 2700 acres of dry land farming.
Hi Gene,
I will forward your comment and email to Peter!
Thanks for listening.