The Monsanto-Permaculture Alliance: Committed To Sustainable Agriculture

“After attending our first PDC or Permaculture Design Course, Monsanto realized that the problem is the solution… And that we are the problem.”

When We Feed The Soil, We Feed Ourselves

Composting your food scraps turns your trash into treasure, saves you money on gardening inputs, and helps you become part of the solution to climate change.

The Universe Beneath Your Feet

Soil is alive.  It’s a complex web of macro (that which we can see with our eyes), and micro (those we mostly cannot see) organisms.  One tablespoon of soil contains over six billion bacteria and countless other species that contribute to a medium teeming…

How Mushrooms Can Save The World

Episode 1: Paul Stamets, founder and president of Fungi Perfecti, has written six books on mushroom cultivation, use, and identification, including the bestseller, Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World. In this interview with Jill Cloutier, Paul talks about myco-restoration, what the…

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